SEPTEMBER 30, 2014
Chairman Walker opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. In attendance were Selectman Walker, Bear, Jespersen, Mountain and Town Administrator Tracy Blais. Selectman Bulgaris was absent.
TA Blais noted that a draft of the warrant had been sent to the Board for review. A revised copy from Counsel will be signed tonight for posting by October 7th. At a joint meeting with Finance and CPC on October 14th, the boards will vote on the articles with their rationales. Selectman Bear moved to accept the revised warrant for posting, seconded by Selectman Jespersen. Questions were addressed. Blais explained Article 8 which allows the Town to exempt from excise tax certain animals, machinery and equipment owned by individuals and non-corporate entities principally engaged in agriculture. A vote at town meeting will allow this exemption. She also advised that on the recommendation of both Counsels Kremer and Mead the article proposed by Fish & Wildlife for the Boudreau property will not appear on this warrant. There has been a precedent set by the Town of Georgetown regarding this matter. A vote of the Legislature, however, is never a sure thing.
Selectman Mountain asked about Article 9 (amendment to the Personnel Bylaw). Blais advised a vote on the article would allow vacation time earned to be carried over to the next fiscal year with the caveat that it be used within 90 days of the beginning of the new fiscal year. Selectman Jespersen questioned Article 6 (funding for new front stairs at the Byfield Grange Building). Blais explained that Sam Joslin has advised he will have to shut down the building if the stairs are not replaced. There has been no change in the contract with the BCAC. The anticipated cost of up to $15K is for pre-cast concrete steps. The board voted unanimously on the motion before them to accept and sign this warrant.
New forms developed by Sam Joslin and Susan Noyes were presented to the Board for their review. Blais noted that Joslin would be at the next meeting on October 7th to answer any questions that may arise. The Board can then vote on these forms.
The warrant for the State Election to be held November 4th was reviewed and signed for Town Clerk Leslie Haley on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously.
A request from Triton PTA to hang a banner on the back stop of the Upper Green to advertise their “Triton is Haunted” festival on October 25th from 5-8 p.m. was approved on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Jespersen and voted unanimously. Alicia Greco, PTA member showed the board the banner and advised they would remove it on October 26th. There will also be banners posted at Manter Field, Triton, and at each Elementary School.
A meeting held by Marine Fisheries on September 22nd was attended by our Fish Commissioner Paul Thistlewood. The MA Division of Marine Fisheries is administering funds for the Great Marsh Green Crab Depletion Program for 2015. The purpose of this program is to capture and remove European green crabs from coastal marine estuaries within the Great Marsh ecosystem to improve shellfish, eelgrass and other fishery resources. Marine Fisheries will administer up to $15,600 to Newbury for this program. These funds may be used to collect and remove green crabs and pay fees associated with the disposal of the crabs. A Standard Contract Form to insure our participation was approved and
signed by TA Blais on Sept. 30th. Newbury, Rowley, Ipswich and Essex are all taking part in this program. Chairman Walker gave a little history of the Great Marsh and green crab infestation.
An invitation from Essex National Heritage Commission to Chairman Walker to speak at their Annual Meeting at Governor’s Academy on October 23rd was read. Walker will contact COO Bill Steelman at Essex Heritage to make arrangements.
Blais advised she had met with the Newburyport Water/Sewer Department on September 24th and they approved our (Town Hall) connection to their sewer system.
A 1995 Cuddy Cabin Criuser and E-Z loader trailer were declared as surplus property on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
A letter was approved and signed to be sent to Secretary Richard Davey of MA DOT for any support or assistance he may be able to provide to secure funding for the construction of the emergency access road proposed for Plum Island which will be used for evacuation or emergency response. The funding, if secured, will be used to complete engineering and construct the road.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45p.m. on a motion by Selectman Bear, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.